So while lounging on my bed one charming Sunday I decided to revamp my blog so that it is vaguely interesting!
Today is Easter Sunday - so that means lots of chocolate all round! I wasn't expecting to receive any this year; after I had told my parents that it would be a bad idea as I wanted to keep slim, and avoid the hereditary family portliness as best as I could (after all I have only just managed to get rid of my lingering 'puppy fat'). But this year I have been rather lucky on the chocolate front, receiving a Thorntons egg AND a Lindt egg! I am yet to indulge in either yet, as I have been sneakily working my way through the box of posh chocolates lying in the kitchen..... but I have no doubt that I will get through them very quickly!
Now it's also that time of year again, where our teachers and parents start digging into us about 'revision'. Having recently passed my driving test (2nd attempt) I have at least one less thing to worry about, but in about 4-5 weeks I have my AS exams. I am taking German, English Literature, Philosophy and Drama. Thankfully, there isn't an exam for Drama - mind you the GCSE exam really wasn't that bad. But I think the exams that I'm most worried about are German and Philosophy. Philosophy, mainly because it is just SO confusing that I confuse myself every time I try to write an essay, and end up spending about 4 hours on it when we're not really meant to spend more than 45 mins on it! But with the help of my coloured fineliners and A3 pads of paper - I should be able to fight off my limited attention span!
German on the other hand, is a completely different ball game! I didn't really want to take German this year (and I will DEFINITELY be dropping it after my exam), it was more of a safe choice, I did it mainly because if I had taken history that would have been 4 essay subjects! And that is one heck of a workload for someone with tiny hands!
But the other night, my mum, on a desperate attempt to boost my morale and work ethic, made the mistake of saying that if I got four As she would 'personally go out and get a dog'. Ofcourse I then went and got some paper and formed a contract and made her sign it! So now there is no backing out - only LOTS of revision! Wish me luck!![](